Have a Happy Business Blog

Welcome to the HHB Blog, a source for business owners to learn best practices, obtain ideas, and get informed about Human Resources and financial management. Please feel free to comment any questions you have about any posts! If you have any requests for future topics or would like to discuss something specific, please feel free to send me an email.

Cassie Friedman Cassie Friedman

Bookkeepers & Accountants: What’s the Difference?

I am often asked how my work differentiates from the work an accountant does, and if we’re being honest, an accountant can do what a bookkeeper does. However most accountants don’t want to do the bookkeeping work, they want to do the accountant work. Which begs the question:

What do bookkeepers and accountants do?

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Cassie Friedman Cassie Friedman

Midyear Checklist For Small Businesses

Alrighty folks, we’ve reached the halfway point of the year! Congratulations on keeping your business wheels turning, your employees thriving, and the money flowing (some in, some out). I know it can be tough to keep track of everything, so I commend you on all the hard work you’ve done to keep things moving. Because I am also a small business owner and I like lists, I decided to craft a checklist for myself to help at the mid year point with my business. That list is below. Maybe it can help you too! If there is something on this list that I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

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Cassie Friedman Cassie Friedman

No-Cost Benefits You Can Offer Employees

It’s mid 2024, and the unemployment rate is sitting at 4%. You need to hire, and the employee market is in favor of the employee, so you need to be competitive to attract the best hires. However maybe you just opened your doors, or are in a tight spot of growth. Money is tight. You can’t offer everything you want to offer to your employees right now, but you want to offer something. You want to support your team of employees without breaking the bank…So what can you do?

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Cassie Friedman Cassie Friedman

Why bookkeeping is relevant to business growth

Whether your business is growing at a pace you’ve planned or you’ve had sudden growth which feels like it happened overnight, it is vital that you know where your finances stand so you can make decisions with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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